advice, illness, family medicine, common cold Lucas Beeley DO advice, illness, family medicine, common cold Lucas Beeley DO

Cold and Flu Season - A greater Understanding (Plus Helpful Hints and Tips)

Fall is officially upon us. Most of you know how this typically goes. Someone in your household comes down with an illness, often after traveling, or at the start of the school year, or following a large family gathering. Soon enough, it seems like everyone is dealing with with some version of it or another. Here is how I tend to think about these infections, and what I do when they happen to me and my family.

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Lucas Beeley DO Lucas Beeley DO

Part 4 - The Waiting Game

Since my last entry, there has been an awful lot of waiting. However, things have begun heating up. I signed our lease agreement on March 14th.

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Lucas Beeley DO Lucas Beeley DO

My DPC Journey - Part 2

Starting a small business is hard work, and it takes a lot of time to do it properly in order to set yourself up for success. There is far more complexity involved when the business is in an industry as heavily regulated as healthcare.

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Lucas Beeley DO Lucas Beeley DO

My DPC Journey - Part 1

To those of you who know me, some of what follows might bore you, but for anyone just discovering Momentum DPC, please allow me to introduce myself.

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