Cold and Flu Season - A greater Understanding (Plus Helpful Hints and Tips)
Fall is officially upon us. Most of you know how this typically goes. Someone in your household comes down with an illness, often after traveling, or at the start of the school year, or following a large family gathering. Soon enough, it seems like everyone is dealing with with some version of it or another. Here is how I tend to think about these infections, and what I do when they happen to me and my family.
Mission Statements and Manifestos
What is your mission statement? Well, mine is both easy and hard to explain. Here is me giving it my best shot. TLDR version? Simple. I love what I’m doing in this photograph: taking great care of patients while being happier and more present for my daughters.
Part 3 - Office Space
After deciding to form a private DPC practice, almost nothing weighed more heavily on my mind than the question of where that practice would be physically located.